Hill Workouts

Do you do hill workouts? They can be intimidating, and unpleasant…unless you do them with friends! We partnered up with our friends at Winthrop Mountain Sports (did you know Erik was in our wedding?) to make huffing up a hill enjoyable. Well, at least more fun. And knowing that people will be there makes getting out of bed easier.

All are welcome to these free workouts. We start out with an easy warm up, then ease our way into the workout. The full run is a little over an hour. We alternate between Mazama and Winthrop, so hopefully you can come to at least one of the locations. Check our Instagram for details, or join our Slack channel, where we also post details. You can always email info@cascadeendurance.com too, if that’s easier for you. Hope to see you there!

*sadly we had to cancel Aug. 17th due to AQI. We won’t have the workouts if it’s over 100 to protect our precious lungs. More info on training in fire season here.


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Zen and the Art of Athlete Maintenance