Spring Training Program

The deets.



Anyone wanting to be ready for late spring/early summer objectives. Not sure how to structure your training? Not sure what strength exercises or workouts to do? Look no further.

Whether you have spring skiing, running, biking, or summer mountaineering goals, we have the sport-specific plan for you to be ready to go when the snow


This 12-week program includes a progressive training plan delivered through TrainingPeaks with three phases of strength and aerobic progressions. Each of the series includes a weekly email from your coaches with technique videos to help your form, and a comprehensive training plan that includes aerobic, strength, and mobility workouts. You also get bi-weekly Zoom calls and a private Slack channel for ongoing coach and community support.



12-week Spring Training starts February 26.


Your house! Each of the strength workouts can be done anywhere, with minimal equipment. We have an exercise library to learn proper form, and workout videos to follow along.

Spring Training Program
One time

This 12-week program will get you ready for any spring adventure, or build a fantastic foundation for summer goals. Choose a plan for running, biking, skiing, or general fitness; join our Slack channel for coach and community support; and get fit! Plans include strength training and mobility in addition to sport-specific aerobic workouts, with videos to guide you on proper technique and the explanations behind the sessions so you can learn how to get the most from your training.

Looking for something more specific to you and your goals? Check out our coaching options!